It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of Abdul Basit Khan sahib of Baltimore, Maryland after a yearlong battle with glioblastoma, an aggressive brain cancer. انا للہ و انا الیہ راجعون
Basit Khan sahib returned to his Creator at the age of 61 in the early hours of Saturday, March 4, 2023, surrounded by his family. We pray that Allah has mercy on His humble servant’s departed soul, and grants him an exalted place of nearness to Him.
A loving father and God-fearing Ahmadi, Basit sahib’s devotion to the Jamaat was unequivocal. By the grace of Allah, he was a Moosi, and he dedicated all four of his children to the Jamaat as Waqf-e-Nau. For more than two decades, he was a fixture of the Baltimore Jama’at. He exemplified the standard of the believer whose heart is always attached to the mosque.
He served Baltimore Jama’at, Majlis Ansarullah USA and Jama’at USA in many capacities. At a local level, he served as Secretary Waqf-e-Nau and Secretary Talim, and was serving his second term as Naib Sadr when he passed.
He served Majlis Ansarullah Baltimore as Zaim, shepherding his brothers to ultimately earn the honor of Alm-e-Inami. At a national level, he served the majlis as Naib Qaid Umumi, Naib Qaid Finance and Muavin Sadr.
From helping start the first Tahir Academy to coordinating regional Waqf-e-Nau ijtemas to arranging Jalsa stage decoration to developing the National K-8 Math Challenge, he spent every free minute serving the Jama’at of Masih-e-Maud (as).
Before his diagnosis in March 2022, Basit sahib went far beyond these responsibilities, providing mentorship to the young and old of the Jama’at. He treated every child in the Jama’at as if they were his own, taking personal interest in their education and pride in their achievements. He helped Baltimore’s youth and refugees explore employment and educational opportunities. He transformed every stranger he encountered into a friend.
Until his final breath, he maintained complete trust in Allah and His will.
Basit sahib leaves behind his wife, Amatus Shukoor (Shukri) Khan Sahiba, and his children Adeel, Aysha, Tirzah and Sajeel. He is also survived by his mother Nasira Begum and his siblings Dawood Khan of Buffalo, NY; Riffat Basit of Peace Village, Canada; and Bushra Yahya Khan of Lahore, Pakistan.
May Allah forgive this humble servant for his sins, protect him in the next life, and elevate his spiritual status among those who are rightly guided. May Allah make his grave spacious and full of light. May He grant ease to the hearts of the bereaved, and reunite them with their loved one in Jannah. Ameen, summa ameen.