Spring Cleaning at Baltimore Mission House

The Jamaat wide Waqar-e-Amal(Cleaning) for the Baltimore Ahmadiyya Community took place on April 27, 2014. The main purpose of this Waqar-e-Amal was to prepare the Garrison Mission House for Ramadan. Over 25 Khuddam(Males aged 15-40), Atfal(Males aged 7-15) and Ansar(Males over 40) took part in this property wide clean up.

During this event, Jamaat members cleaned the yard in and around the property. Trees were trimmed, fallen branches were picked up and broken fences were repaired. Young or old everyone participated in helping beautify the property.

Many elders participated in planting flowers around the property in order to enhance the appearance of the mission house for Ramadan. The inside of the mission house went through a significant clean up as well. A new prayer room was added due to extra attendance expected for Ramadan. The larger prayer room was cleaned and organized to minimize clutter and make more space for prayers. Additionally, the basement of the mission house was turned into a hang out area for socializing before and after prayers.

Overall it was successful Waqar-e-Amal, it brought the Jamaat together, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and reminiscing of the moments we have had over the years in our wonderful Jamaat. May Allah bless us all and enable us to continue serving Baltimore and Ahmadiyyat.

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